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Families Matter Most

Mar 31, 2021

I get more emails from parents of 7 year old's than ANY OTHER AGE! 

Kids aged 6-8 experience a unique developmental hurdle and it changes everything- you used to be able to give an instruction, but now there’s constant pushback. Your sweet 4 year old has now become willful and defiant.  Is it like they’ve regressed...

Mar 18, 2021

“I shouldn’t have to reward them for something basic like making their bed!” 

In this podcast, let’s break down behavior and come up with strategies to reach our kids hearts. Incentives allow us to teach which behaviors and qualities we want to see more of. The good news is, if we do it right, it...

Mar 12, 2021

We have a BONUS podcast this week! 

I’ve received so many great questions about how to get started teaching kids responsibility that I created another podcast to help you! 

Some feedback from parents:

“It’s easy to get overwhelmed and not know where to start, but now I finally have a rough plan. I know it will...

Mar 4, 2021

There are so many good reasons kids should have to help out the family with regular work around the house. Learning how to do things you don’t want to do is a fundamental skill for life success! Character qualities like self control and time management are developed when kids are lovingly guided to learn hard work and...